Anthropology IB Extended Essay Topics

Anthropology IB Extended Essay Topics

As an experienced IB writer, I’ve guided countless students through the intricate process of preparing their Extended Essays, particularly in the DP Anthropology course. These experiences have enriched my understanding and cemented my belief in the transformative power of well-chosen research topics. Here, I’ll share insights and strategies to help you master this challenging but rewarding component of the IB program.

What Is an Anthropology Extended Essay?

In my opinion, the Anthropology Extended Essay represents an exceptional opportunity for IB students to immerse themselves deeply into a topic that resonates with their interests within the vast and varied field of anthropology. This independent, research-intensive project tests your academic prowess and encourages you to investigate diverse anthropological areas.

You might research cultural norms, analyze linguistic patterns, or investigate archaeological findings. Each of these areas offers unique insights into the complexities of human societies and their development over time.

In my extensive experience mentoring students, I’ve found that choosing a topic that truly piques your curiosity can dramatically improve both the quality of your research and your overall enjoyment of the writing process. Here are several key benefits and aspects to consider:

  • Personal Engagement. Choose a topic that fascinates you to maintain motivation throughout the research process.
  • Broad Research. This course includes cultural, biological, linguistic, and archaeological Anthropology, each offering a different perspective on human life.
  • Skill Development. Enhance your research, writing, and analytical skills, which are crucial for university-level studies and beyond.
  • Global Perspective. Gain insights into the diversity of human cultures, which can broaden your understanding of global issues.
  • Academic Challenge. Meet the demanding standards of the IB curriculum, preparing you for further academic success.

By choosing a topic that matches your interests and using the resources available, you can create a high-grade Anthropology Extended Essay.

Areas to Consider for Your Anthropology Extended Essay

Below, I will give you some popular areas to consider when choosing topics for an Anthropology Extended Essay.

Cultural Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology, as I know, is a vibrant field that scrutinizes human cultural variations. Topics such as “The Impact of Globalization on Indigenous Cultures” allow students to examine how global influences transform traditional lifestyles. Similarly, analyzing rituals, beliefs, and societal structures offers profound insights into the human condition.

Anthropology IB extended Essay Topics

Biological Anthropology

This branch focuses on human beings’ biological and behavioral aspects. My students often find it fascinating to research topics like “The Evolution of Human Diet Over Time.” Such studies underscore the connections between biology, environment, and culture in shaping human history.

Linguistic Anthropology

In my experience, linguistic Anthropology is an equally rewarding field that deals with language as a central aspect of cultural expression. An essay on “Language Preservation among Disappearing Indigenous Languages” can be particularly powerful, highlighting the urgency and importance of preserving linguistic diversity in the face of globalization.

Archaeological Anthropology

Finally, archaeological Anthropology invites you to consider our ancestors’ lives through their material remains. Topics in this field, such as “Analyzing Societal Changes through Material Remains,” challenge you to piece together historical narratives from artifacts and ecological data. This process is as thrilling as it is educational.

Anthropology Extended Essay Topics and Research Questions

Discuss your ideas with your IB advisor and possibly other Anthropology teachers at your school. They can offer valuable feedback on the viability and scope of proposed topics, as well as guidance on methodological approaches:

  1. Cultural Revitalization Among Indigenous Peoples. How have specific cultural practices of the Maori been revitalized in modern New Zealand society?
  2. Urbanization and Its Impact on Traditional Lifestyles. What are the effects of urbanization on the traditional family structures in rural India?
  3. Gender Roles in Different Societies. How do gender roles in contemporary Japanese society compare to those in the Edo period?
  4. Rituals and Their Societal Roles. What role do death rituals play in shaping community relationships in Balinese society?
  5. Language and Identity. How does language use influence cultural identity among teenagers in bilingual families in the United States?
  6. Food Culture and Globalization. What impact has globalization had on Mexico’s traditional cuisine and eating habits?
  7. The Anthropology of Sports. How do sports serve as a means of social integration for immigrants in European countries?
  8. Religious Practices and Modernity. How have modern technologies influenced traditional religious practices in Orthodox Jewish communities?
  9. Clothing as Cultural Expression. What has the evolution of clothing styles in Iran since the Islamic Revolution told us about political and social changes?
  10. Technology’s Impact on Human Behavior. How have social media platforms like Instagram affected interpersonal relationships among teens in the UK?
  11. Economic Anthropology: Traditional Markets and Globalization. How have traditional markets in Morocco adapted to the challenges posed by globalization?
  12. Healthcare Practices in Different Cultures. How do healthcare practices among the Amish in the United States reflect their cultural and religious beliefs?
  13. Migration and Cultural Change. How has Syrian migration influenced cultural practices in German urban centers?
  14. Education Systems and Cultural Transmission. How do educational practices in Finland reflect the cultural values of society?
  15. Music as a Cultural Phenomenon. How has K-pop influenced youth culture and identity in East Asia?
  16. Conservation Efforts and Indigenous Communities. How do conservation efforts in the Amazon rainforest affect the livelihoods of indigenous tribes?
  17. Digital Nomadism and Cultural Identity. How does living as a digital nomad influence one’s cultural identity and sense of belonging?
  18. Festivals as Cultural Heritage. How do festivals like Dia de los Muertos in Mexico serve to reinforce national identity among expatriates?
  19. The Anthropology of Aging. How do perceptions of aging differ between urban and rural populations in Japan?
  20. Youth Subcultures and Global Influences. What factors contribute to the adoption of hip-hop culture among youths in South Africa?
  21. Cultural Impacts of Climate Change. How is climate change affecting traditional farming practices in the Andean communities?
  22. The Role of Art in Cultural Expression. How do contemporary Aboriginal artists in Australia use art to express and preserve their culture?
  23. Medical Anthropology: Traditional Medicine and Western Practices. How do traditional healing practices coexist with Western medicine in rural parts of India?
  24. The Influence of Colonialism on Modern Societal Structures. In what ways have French colonial educational policies impacted current educational practices in Algeria?
  25. Linguistic Changes and Cultural Adaptation. How have Welsh language revival efforts affected cultural identity in Wales?
  26. Migration and Cuisine. How has migrating Middle Eastern populations to Europe influenced European culinary traditions?
  27. Religious Conversion and Cultural Shifts. What are the cultural impacts of religious conversion on family structures in Indonesia?
  28. Economic Anthropology: The Gig Economy and Cultural Shifts. How is the gig economy affecting traditional work cultures and social relationships in the United States?
  29. Urban Anthropology: Gentrification and Community Dynamics. What are the cultural consequences of gentrification in Brooklyn, New York?
  30. The Role of Mythology in Modern Societies. How do ancient Greek myths continue to influence modern Western culture?
  31. Cultural Resilience in the Face of Natural Disasters. How have cultural practices in the Philippines adapted to recurrent natural disasters like typhoons and earthquakes?
  32. The Social Dynamics of Space Usage in Urban Settings. How do public spaces in Paris facilitate social interactions among different ethnic groups?
  33. Anthropology of Sleep: Cultural Perspectives on Sleep Habits. How do sleep patterns and attitudes towards sleep vary across different cultures, specifically comparing the U.S. and Japan?
  34. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Mental Health. How do cultural beliefs influence the treatment and perception of mental health in Scandinavia compared to East Asia?
  35. The Impact of International Tourism on Local Customs. How has international tourism affected traditional ceremonies and rites in Bali?
  36. Child Rearing Practices Across Cultures. How do child-rearing practices in Nordic countries differ from those in Mediterranean countries, and what cultural factors influence these differences?
  37. Cultural Dimensions of Cybersecurity. How do cultural attitudes towards privacy and personal data vary between the United States and the European Union?
  38. Religious Landscapes and Urban Development. How have urban development projects in Jerusalem affected the city’s religious landscape?
  39. Cultural Narratives and National Identity. How do cultural narratives within Russian media influence national identity and patriotism?
  40. Intersections of Culture and Corporate Ethics. How do cultural understandings of ethics and responsibility shape business practices in multinational corporations in Latin America?
  41. Cultural Interpretations of Renewable Energy. How do cultural attitudes toward nature and technology influence the adoption of renewable energy technologies in rural versus urban areas of India?
  42. The Role of Language in Cultural Resistance. How has the Welsh language been used as a tool for cultural resistance and identity affirmation in the face of English dominance?
  43. Globalization and Local Identities. How have global cultural flows, especially through media, impacted traditional identities among youth in Mongolia?
  44. Anthropology of Pandemics: Cultural Responses to Health Crises. How did cultural norms in different regions influence public health responses and community behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  45. The Anthropology of Space Research. What cultural factors influence the selection of astronauts and the international collaboration in space missions, particularly in the International Space Station?
  46. Impact of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) on Tribal Societies. How have NGOs influenced gender roles and education in tribal societies in East Africa?
  47. The Anthropology of Digital Nomads: Work, Lifestyle, and Culture. How does the lifestyle of digital nomads affect their cultural perceptions and social relationships?
  48. The Role of Folklore and Myths in Modern Cultural Identity. How do ancient folklore and myths continue to shape the cultural identity of people in modern Iceland?
  49. Cultural Changes Brought About by Ecotourism. How has ecotourism affected the traditional lifestyles and cultural values of communities in Costa Rica?
  50. The Influence of Cinema on Cultural Stereotypes. How has Hollywood influenced cultural stereotypes about Middle Eastern communities?

These topics cover both traditional and contemporary anthropological issues and encourage students to investigate how cultural, economic, and environmental changes impact human societies worldwide.

Don’t let the stress of the IB curriculum hold you back.

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With a thoughtful approach to topic selection, research, and organization, you can produce a piece that meets the IB’s rigorous standards and deepens your understanding of humanity. So take these insights to heart, start your research early, and don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your mentors. In addition, our IB writers are always ready to help you with your Extended Essay.