How to Write an Extended Essay Proposal?

how to write ee proposal

Writing an Extended Essay proposal is an important stage in the research process for IB students. This paper will act as your road plan for researching and writing your EE. A well-written proposal not only guides the route of your essay, but it also allows you to explain your views and goals to your adviser.

What Is EE RPPF and How to Write It?

writing EE RPPF

To write an effective RPPF, students should focus on three sessions: initial planning, interim development, and the final viva voce. Each reflection should clearly articulate the challenges faced, adjustments made, and overall learning outcomes, demonstrating critical thinking and personal growth.

Which IB EE Group Should You Pick?

IB EE group

Choosing the right IB EE group is a crucial decision that can shape your academic path and future career prospects. In this article, we look at the nuances of each IB EE group, from Language and Literature to Science, and discuss the critical factors you should consider when making your choice.

What Is the Hardest and Easiest IB Extended Essay Subject?

Choosing an IB Extended Essay subject can be a defining decision in your academic career, influencing both your passion for the subject and your ultimate success. In this comprehensive guide, we look at which subjects are considered the most difficult and the easiest to tackle in the Extended Essay component of the IB Diploma.

What to Do If You Fail Your Extended Essay?

fail your extended essay

Failing your Extended Essay can be a disheartening experience, but it’s important to remember that it’s not the end of your academic journey. As an experienced IB writer, I’ve counseled numerous students through this setback. In this post, I explain what you can do if you find yourself in this situation.

Extended Essay Rubric (Grading/Marking Scheme)

ee rubric

From defining a clear and focused research question to demonstrating in-depth knowledge and critical thinking, each component of the rubric offers a path to success. As an experienced IB writer, I have gathered insights and strategies that can help you understand the rubric and improve your writing process.

How Long Does it Take to Write an IB Extended Essay?

writing extended essay

The time required to complete this important component of the IB Diploma will vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the topic, the student’s prior knowledge, and their research and writing skills. Typically, students should expect to spend between 40 and 50 hours over several months.

What Is a Word Count for Extended Essay?

ib ee word count

When writing the IB Extended Essay, it’s important to understand the specific word count requirements. Adherence to this word limit is critical because it encourages students to present their research and arguments in a structured and focused framework, thereby developing skills in effective communication and critical analysis.

Extended Essay vs. Internal Assessment

Extended Essay vs. Internal Assessment

In the IB curriculum, the Extended Essay and the Internal Assessment stand out as both challenges and opportunities for students. In this article, we discuss the nuances of each component, offer insights from experienced IB educators, and reflect on student experiences to provide a comprehensive understanding of these academic tasks.