Choosing the Perfect Supervisor for Your Extended Essay

When writing the IB Extended Essay, picking the right supervisor is super important. Based on my time as an IB writer and going through this whole deal, I can say that finding the perfect supervisor is everything. It can turn your experience from a chill, productive vibe to a total struggle fest with too many headaches. Choosing a supervisor for your IB EE isn’t just about snagging someone super knowledgeable; it’s also about ensuring you vibe with them.

Who Is the IB EE Supervisor?

Your IB Extended Essay supervisor is your go-to teacher who’s there to help you while you’re grinding through the research and writing of your EE. From what I’ve seen, they help you, giving you tips and feedback and keeping you on point with the IB Extended Essay requirements. So, the supervisor isn’t going to do the heavy lifting for you, but they’re there to make sure you’re on the right track and hitting all the marks for that IB Extended Essay.

According to the usual IB rules, the supervisor’s job is all about:

  • Giving tips on how to tackle research strategies.
  • Offering props on the rough drafts.
  • Help you to stick to those deadlines.
  • They got your back on figuring out the assessment criteria.

Your supervisor is like your go-to guide throughout the whole EE grind. They’ll catch up with you often to chat about how you’re doing, give you solid feedback, and help you polish your ideas. This support is super clutch, especially when you’re hitting those rough patches or unsure about your research.

Just a heads up, your supervisor’s got your back, but you’re calling the shots on your EE. You must handle your research writing and ensure you hit those IB standards. The supervisor’s just there to drop some knowledge, but it’s up to you to crush that EE and make it happen.

Honestly, nailing a solid vibe with your IB EE supervisor is about keeping it real with communication, showing some respect, and being on top of it by asking for feedback when needed.

What Should You Look for in an IB EE Supervisor?

So, what’s the deal with picking a supervisor? Honestly, I think there are some key traits that every solid supervisor should have.

Knowledge Boss

First, your supervisor needs to know their stuff about the subject you’re working on for your EE. Like, duh! You wouldn’t ask an English teacher to handle a Physics EE, right? The more they know about your topic, the better they can help you sharpen your ideas and keep your research on point. Yo, this is one of the first things you must consider when picking a supervisor for your IB EE.

Access and Availability

No matter how dope your supervisor is, if they can’t chill and meet up with you often, it won’t work. Before you lock it in, contact your potential supervisors and see how frequently they’re down to meet and their communication vibe. Yo, regular check-ins are super important, and honestly, the more chill and available a supervisor is, the more accessible everything flows.

Chill and All In

Finally, you must find someone who’s really into your work. Okay, so it might seem basic, but having a chill and supportive EE supervisor can change the game. If your supervisor is hyped about your topic, they’ll give you better feedback and keep your vibes up when things get rough. This thing is totally underrated but super crucial, in my opinion.

Learn from EE case studies across multiple subjects to understand what makes an Extended Essay score high on the IB grading scale.

Choosing the Perfect Supervisor for Your Extended Essay

How to Select a Supervisor for IB EE?

Now that we’ve hit the critical traits of a solid supervisor let’s look into how to pick your supervisor for the IB EE.

Think About What You’re Into

Before you start vibing with supervisors, choose a topic that interests you. I’ve seen that picking a theme you enjoy makes the whole Extended Essay grind way more chill. When your topic vibes with what you’re into, you’ll grind harder, do some dope research, and stay hyped the whole way through. I’ve noticed peeps stressing when they choose a topic just because it looks cool or trendy. Your vibe for the subject can keep you going when the tough times hit.

Once you’ve locked in your topic, figuring out which supervisor vibes with you is easier. You want a supervisor who’s as hyped about the subject as you are or knows their stuff in that area. When you’ve got a super chill supervisor who’s really into what you’re doing, it amps up the feedback and helps you crush it on your research.

Ask for Recommendations

One solid move I’ve noticed is hitting up teachers or older students for their recs. From what I’ve seen, teachers usually have a good vibe about who’s got the time and skills on specific EE groups and chill to help you out. Also, ex-IB peeps can drop some profound knowledge on which supervisors had your back and which were kind of MIA or not helpful.

Here are some questions you can ask when gathering recommendations:

  • Who’s the go-to for dropping some solid feedback?
  • Which supervisor is always around when you need them?
  • Has anyone had a dope or totally whack experience with a particular teacher?

Don’t sweat it — just ask your peeps! It’ll save you from a bunch of stress later on. Getting feedback from your homies who’ve been through it all is one of the sickest ways to determine your choices.

Link Up With Possible EE Supervisors

One of the chillest ways to wrap up your choice is to meet with potential supervisors. A quick meetup can help you see how comfortable you feel with them and if their mentoring style matches your needs. Kick off these chats to see if they resonate with your Extended Essay subject. Are they hitting you up with questions about your research ideas? Do they drop any first thoughts or feedback? These are solid vibes that they will be all in on the process.

Also, consider if the supervisor signs as someone you can talk to. From what I’ve seen, IB students want someone who’s not just smart but also chill to talk to. If you’re feeling sketchy or off after that first hangout, it could be a sign that they’re not the person you need. Go with your gut! Remember, you’ll be working with this person for a while, so make sure you pick someone who’s a good fit.

Don’t let the stress of the IB curriculum hold you back.

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How to Work with IB EE Supervisor?

I’ve seen that EE supervisors appreciate students who step up and show up ready for meetings. Don’t just sit there waiting for your supervisor to come after you; you should take the lead and get things moving.

One of the first things you should do is set clear goals from the start. It means discussing how often you’ll meet, how you’d like to connect (email, in person, etc.), and what kind of comments on Extended Essay writing you want. This first talk is vital for setting the tone for how you will work together. Setting goals and due dates together will help you both stay on track.

From what I’ve seen, your boss will be much more interested if you always come to work ready to go. You should bring straightforward questions, ideas, or drafts to talks you want feedback on. You can’t expect them to have all the ideas or point you in the right direction without your help. Here are a few helpful tips:

  • Ensure you have a clear list of questions or things to discuss before every meeting.
  • Bring any ideas or study results you’d like input on your IB essay.
  • Be willing to listen to and act on helpful feedback and ideas.

Being open to comments is one of the most essential parts of working with a boss, even if it means changing how you do things or returning to a part of your writing. Remember that they want you to do well. Listen to what they say, but don’t hesitate to ask for more information if something isn’t clear.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, while selecting a suitable supervisor is essential, your hard work and dedication will determine your Extended Essay’s success. How to work with your IB EE supervisor effectively is just one part of the process — your motivation and commitment will carry you the rest of the way. You can also contact our best writers at if you need help with an Extended Essay.


Can I Change My Supervisor If It’s Not Working Out?

Yes, but this should be a last resort. Before switching supervisors, try to address any concerns directly with them.

How Often Should I Meet with My EE Supervisor?

It depends, but a good rule of thumb is to meet every 1-2 weeks, especially in the early stages of research.

How Involved Should My Supervisor Be in the Writing Process?

Your supervisor should guide you but not write or heavily edit your work. Their role is to offer feedback, suggest resources, and keep you on track.