English Literature IA topic ideas 📓

English Literature IA topic ideas

As an IB English Literature student, choosing a topic for your internal assessment (IA) can be a daunting task. The IA is an important part of the program, allowing students to demonstrate their critical thinking, research, and writing skills. This article aims to provide students with a wide range of English Literature IA topic ideas, including classic literature, contemporary literature, poetry, and historical context. By exploring different types of literature and themes, students can gain a deeper understanding of the literary world and develop their unique perspectives on literary analysis. The key takeaway for achieving a high score and aligning your English Literature IA topic ideas with the course content and assessment criteria will also be discussed.

This article aims to provide students with ideas for their English Literature IB IA. By exploring different types of literature and themes, students can gain a deeper understanding of the literary world and develop their unique perspectives on literary analysis and following the International Baccalaureate criteria.

The article will cover classic literature, contemporary literature, poetry, and historical context, providing students with various options for their IA.

Unlock the World of Literature: English Literature IB IA Topic Ideas

II. Classic Literature A. Analysis of a literary work by Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s Complex Characters: Understanding Shakespeare’s complex characters and intricate plotlines

Themes, Motifs, and Symbols in Shakespeare’s plays: Examining themes, motifs, and symbols in Shakespeare’s plays

Exploring the Human Experience: Analyzing Shakespeare’s exploration of the human experience

Understanding the Past Through Literature: Historical Context Topic Ideas for English Literature IB IA”

B. Comparison of two novels by Jane Austen

Societal Norms and Expectations in Jane Austen’s novels: Comparing societal norms and expectations in Jane Austen’s novels

Similarities and Differences in Themes, Characters, and Narrative Techniques: Examining similarities and differences in themes, characters, and narrative techniques

C. Study of the themes in a novel by Charles Dickens

19th-century England through Charles Dickens’ novels: Understanding the social and economic conditions of 19th-century England through Charles Dickens’ novels

Poverty, Injustice, and Redemption in Dickens’ literature: Examining themes such as poverty, injustice, and redemption in Dickens’ literature

Conveying Themes Through Literary Techniques: Analyzing Dickens’ use of literary techniques to convey these themes

A Wide Range of Topic Ideas for Classic, Contemporary, Poetry and Historical Context

III. Contemporary Literature A. Analysis of a literary work by Jhumpa Lahiri

Exploring Cultural Identity and Assimilation Challenges: Understanding the experiences of Indian immigrants in America through Jhumpa Lahiri’s literature

Themes, Characters, and Narrative Techniques: Examining themes, characters, and narrative techniques used to explore cultural identity and assimilation challenges

Other topics you can find here:

Find Your Literary Niche: English Literature IB IA Topic Ideas for Classic, Contemporary, Poetry and Historical Context

B. Comparison of two novels by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Understanding the complexities of cultural identity and the human experience through Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s novels

Comparing themes, characters, and narrative techniques in Adichie’s literature

C. Study of the themes in a novel by Zadie Smith

Understanding race, class, and identity in a multicultural society through Zadie Smith’s novels

Examining themes such as the search for identity, the effects of history and culture, and the dynamics of power and privilege

Analyzing Smith’s use of literary techniques to convey these themes

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A female student standing still and smiling while holding a pen and a notebook, presumably contemplating IB IA topic suggestions.

IV. Poetry A. Analysis of a poem by T.S. Eliot

Understanding T.S. Eliot’s exploration of themes such as death, despair, and the human condition through his poetry in the context

Examining imagery and literary techniques used by Eliot to convey his ideas in the context of English Literature IB IA topic ideas

B. Comparison of two poems by Robert Frost

Understanding Robert Frost’s exploration of nature and the human experience through his poetry in the context of English Literature IB IA topic ideas

Comparing themes, imagery, and literary techniques in Frost’s poetry in the context of English Literature IB IA topic ideas

C. Study of the themes in the poetry of Maya Angelou

Understanding Maya Angelou’s exploration of themes such as race, identity, and the human condition through her poetry

Examining themes such as overcoming adversity, the effects of discrimination and marginalization, and the importance of self-empowerment

Analyzing Angelou’s use of literary techniques to convey these themes

Achieve a high score on your English Literature IB IA with the help of this article's topic ideas and key takeaways for research on classic literature, contemporary literature, poetry, and historical context.
Find inspiration for your English Literature IB IA with this comprehensive article covering classic literature, contemporary literature, poetry, and historical context.

V. Historical Context A. Analysis of a literary work in the context of the Cold War

Understanding the anxieties and fears of the Cold War period through literary works

Examining the impact of historical events on literature and society

B. Analysis of a literary work in the context of the Civil Rights Movement

Understanding the struggles and triumphs of the Civil Rights Movement through literary works in the context

Examining the representation of race and identity in literature

C. Analysis of a literary work in the context of the feminist movement

Understanding the evolution of feminist thought and representation in literature in the context.

Examining the representation of gender and female experiences in literature


The English Literature IA is an important part of the IB program that allows students to demonstrate their critical thinking, research, and writing skills. By exploring different types of literature and themes, students can gain a deeper understanding of the literary world and develop their unique perspectives on literary analysis.

This article has provided students with options for their IA, including classic literature, contemporary literature, poetry, and historical context. Students should consider their interests and strengths when choosing a topic, and should ensure to align their topic with the course content and assessment criteria. Dont hezitate to make an order at IBWritingserive.com if you need assistnce of expert IB writers.

The key takeaway is that the IA should be well-organized and presented effectively and that incorporating the assessment criteria into the IA is essential for achieving a high score. Additionally, to rank high on google, it’s important to choose a topic that is relevant and includes keywords such as “English Literature IB IA topic ideas,” “classic literature,” “contemporary literature,” “poetry,” and “historical context.” With the right topic, thorough research, and a clear and well-organized presentation, students can excel in their English Literature IA and achieve a high score.