How Much Will It Cost to Write an Extended Essay?

extended essay cost

Having extensive experience as an IB writer, I have successfully tackled the challenging task of writing Extended Essays (EE) multiple times. It includes not only my personal experiences but also guiding others. Today, I’m here to break down the expenses of writing an EE, particularly if you’re considering getting professional assistance. Now, let’s analyze what you can anticipate regarding finances and ethics.

Why Consider Professional Extended Essay Help?

I understand why students might be tempted to seek professional assistance for an Extended Essay. Although it can be quite enriching, it can sometimes feel pretty overwhelming. It’s not unusual to feel daunted by the sheer scale and depth of what’s required. When it comes to this topic, an experienced writer can offer some helpful tips and tricks you might not come across on your own.

In addition, juggling the countless responsibilities of being an IB student requires effective time management. Professional assistance can help you save time, allowing you to concentrate on other crucial academic or personal responsibilities.

And if you’re still unsure about whether or not to ask for assistance, take into account the following:

  • Level of work. Prepare for top-notch work that meets all the IB standards, giving you a solid shot at scoring a higher grade.
  • Chilling out. It helps alleviate the stress and pressure that comes with the EE.
  • Personalized assistance. Customized support that caters to your unique subject matter and needs.

However, carefully considering the decision to hire a professional is essential. Make sure that the assistance you get is ethical and helps you learn. As a tutor fully immersed in the IB ethos, I strongly value the significance of integrity in education.

When finding the proper assistance, it’s important to balance getting the support you need and upholding your academic integrity. Make sure that working together improves your understanding and interest in the subject instead of taking away from the educational goal of the EE.

Learn how the amount of sources for an IB EE can vary depending on your subject and why focusing on quality over quantity is so crucial for success.

Can I Pay Someone to Write My Extended Essay?

As an experienced IB writer and mentor, I frequently encounter students inquiring about the possibility of hiring someone to write their Extended Essays. This question raises some ethical concerns. However, there are certain situations where getting paid help can be seen in a positive light, especially when it comes to seeking guidance and advice.

I believe that investing in professional guidance can significantly improve the quality of your Extended Essay, no matter what EE group you pick. Hiring a pro in your essay’s subject area can give you priceless insights you might not quickly come across through regular research methods. This aspect can involve getting hard-to-find resources, expert insights, and advanced techniques to take your analysis to the next level.

Experts can help you organize your essay more efficiently and guarantee it fulfills all of the IB’s demanding standards. It typically involves helping you create an outline, write a draft, and make revisions based on feedback, an essential aspect of the writing process.

When appropriately used, paid assistance should strive to improve your comprehension of the subject matter rather than substituting your intellectual involvement with the topic. As an advisor, my main goal is to help students learn how to effectively combine and analyze their research to create a strong argument instead of just giving them a finished paper.

Is it legal to buy an Extended Essay online? Understand the rules, risks, and how to choose a trustworthy service.

How much will it cost to write an extended essay?

What Is the Cost of a Custom-Written Extended Essay?

Throughout my years working with IB students, I often encounter a common question regarding the price of a custom-written Extended Essay. Based on my understanding, the prices for these services differ significantly, usually falling between $25 and $70 per page. Several factors influence the final cost of this variation.

The Intricacy of the Topic

The subject matter heavily influences the cost. For example, essays in fields such as Psychology could be priced at a more affordable rate, say $25 per page, if the deadline is reasonable, like five days. On the other hand, more intricate subjects, like Computer Science, can be pretty pricey, especially when you need them done quickly. These assignments can cost up to $50 per page, especially if you’re working against the clock with a tight deadline of just eight hours.

Importance of Meeting the Deadline

The deadline for the essay dramatically affects the cost. When faced with tight deadlines, it becomes crucial for writers to conduct research and complete their writing tasks quickly. This often means having to prioritize one project over others. This sense of urgency can significantly increase the cost, as demonstrated by the previous example in computer science.

The Writer’s Experience and Expertise

The writer’s qualifications and experience are also essential when determining the price. Writers with extensive education or specialized knowledge in a specific field have higher rates for their services because of their advanced skills and expertise. Their knack for tackling intricate analysis and delivering top-notch, extensively researched content makes the higher cost worthwhile.

Amount and Level of Research Needed

The cost can also be influenced by factors such as the length of the essay and the level of research needed. Extended Essays that require thorough research, advanced data analysis, or primary research with surveys or experiments will probably come with a higher price tag. This is because collecting and analyzing data takes more time and resources.

Extra Stuff You Need

Other factors, like particular formatting, charts, graphics, or the necessity for primary research, may also impact the overall cost. Every one of these components demands additional effort, amplifying the overall exertion that a writer must dedicate to the essay. For example, many services ask for an extra fee for a plagiarism check report or a draft of the work.

So, considering all the aspects mentioned above and that a 4000-word Extended Essay is about eight pages long, the whole paper on a complex assignment like Computer Science can cost you about $600-700. Of course, Psychology or History EE, for example, will cost you much less.

Should I Choose an IB Tutor or Academic Writing Services?

After being immersed in the International Baccalaureate program for years, I strongly prefer academic writing services as they provide numerous appealing benefits.

In my experience, reliable academic writing services for IB students meet the specific requirements of IB assignments, like Extended Essays and Internal Assessments. These services deeply understand IB work’s high standards and particular requirements, giving them a clear advantage over general academic tutors who may lack this specialized knowledge.

In addition, academic writing services frequently hire professionals who are well-versed in IB standards and possess expertise in their respective fields. This level of understanding guarantees that the advice and input given are highly accurate and valuable, allowing students to create work of superior quality and more likely to meet the demanding standards of the IB curriculum.

Another aspect worth considering is efficiency. Academic writing services are created to be highly efficient, offering timely assistance that is especially crucial when deadlines are tight. They provide various forms of assistance, including proofreading, editing, and comprehensive writing guidance, that meet any student’s unique requirements or difficulties.

In my opinion, if you’re looking for a resource that understands IB expectations and can adapt to your specific academic needs, IB academic writing services are the best choice. They offer valuable assistance and help students grasp the material better, which is crucial for excelling in the IB program.

Don’t let the stress of the IB curriculum hold you back.

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A female student standing still and smiling while holding a pen and a notebook, presumably contemplating IB IA topic suggestions.

How to Choose Reliable Writing Services for Extended Essays?

Picking a trustworthy writing service for your Extended Essay is a crucial choice that impacts the quality and integrity of your work. As an IB writer for a while, I’ve witnessed countless students grapple with this decision and fail their essays. Based on my experience, there are a few factors you should take into account.

Make sure the service you choose has writers who know the ins and outs of the IB curriculum and the specific requirements of the Extended Essay. Seek out services that hire writers with the necessary academic qualifications and demonstrated expertise in your field.

Here’s a handy checklist to help you with your selection:

  • Reviews of students. Get input from other IB students who have used their services.
  • Sample works. Request or find sample essays to evaluate the quality and depth of their work.
  • Confidentiality policies. Check if they have strong privacy policies to safeguard your personal and academic information.
  • Plagiarism guarantees. They must ensure that all work is authentic and utterly free from plagiarism.

In my view, choosing a writing service that meets all these criteria will give you peace of mind and offer valuable support to improve your understanding of the Extended Essay requirements. Just a friendly reminder: it’s all about enhancing your learning experience, not just ticking off another task.


Although hiring someone to write your Extended Essay may be tempting, it is important to choose only reliable services to avoid problems in the future. Remember that a well-written paper cannot come cheap. Also, whether you tackle the essay independently or seek assistance, your primary objective should always be to enrich your learning rather than solely focus on obtaining a grade.

Considering these factors, you can boost your chances of achieving success and fulfillment in your EE. And if you decide to buy a custom-written Extended Essay, contact our experts at IB Writing Service.