Today, I will show you how to write a Mathematics Extended Essay with enough math content, creativity, and organization to get good grades. You need to know how to turn your hobbies into a structured, well-thought-out research paper that meets the requirements of IB Math, no matter if you like pure math or applied statistics.
What Is a Mathematics Extended Essay in IB?
The Math Extended Essay is a research paper with a maximum word count of 4,000. It’s a perfect opportunity for students to apply formal mathematical reasoning to a specific mathematical idea, theory, model, or issue.
Here is how it differs from other subjects:
- For instance, an Extended Essay in English or History tends to be more interpretative and argumentative. Analyzing literature, historical sources, or other perspectives allows you to construct your argument.
- Designing or discussing experiments, interpreting results, and citing published research are all required in subjects like Biology and Psychology.
However, mathematics differs in its core. This subject anticipates engaging directly with mathematics itself rather than commenting on others’ results or reflecting on abstract notions.
In my observations, this distinction often catches students off guard. Writing about math as a summary of another’s work is insufficient. Math is what you’re supposed to be doing instead. Deriving new formulae, proving theorems, doing complicated computations, analyzing data sets, or developing and testing models fall under this category. In this essay, you should show that you have a solid grasp of mathematical concepts, apply them precisely, and articulate your reasoning coherently.
What Makes a Strong IB Mathematics Extended Essay Topic?
Your topic is the first big choice you’ll have to make. And yes, it does make a difference. From my observations, your chosen topic and research question can make or break the essay.
What Defines a Good Topic?
I believe that a good topic for a Math Extended Essay is specific, unique, and based on advanced mathematics. It should push you, not overload you. In the right amount of detail, the math should show that you can think critically, but not so much that it turns into a 4,000-word anger cycle.
You do not desire a research question that results in philosophical discussion, historical commentary, or a straightforward summary. “The Use of Game Theory in Poker Strategies,” for example, offers genuine promise if you’re modeling methods, figuring out probabilities, or using equilibrium principles.
However, even if a title like “The History of Geometry” may seem scholarly, it does not satisfy the IB Math EE requirements. It lacks any intellectual connection with mathematics and is too descriptive.
Recommended Areas for Math EEs
Instead of just presenting known ideas, the topic should also give you a chance to show your thinking or give you personal insights. Below are three broad areas where students often excel, based on my observations over the years:
- Pure mathematics is the place for you if you want to think abstractly. There is much room for theoretical involvement in subjects like number theory, algebraic structures, modular arithmetic, and mathematical proofs.
- Mathematical applications are ideal for students who want to relate mathematics to practical situations. It covers queuing theory, cryptography, statistical analysis, mathematical modeling, and optimization issues.
- Multidisciplinary mathematics is how math is used in other disciplines, such as computer science, physics, biology, and economics. Students can work relatively well if math stays at the center of the study.
IB examiners are often impressed by essays that start with a real-world question and then use it to develop compelling mathematical research. They demonstrate your ability to apply math to real-world situations and your comprehension.
How to Formulate a Focused Research Question?
A research question guides your essay. It defines your inquiry and helps to reduce its scope. IB rules state that the question should be precise and narrowly focused and allow for quantitative treatment rather than historical or philosophical conjecture.
Typically, I advise starting with a general topic that interests you and then turning it into a mathematical question. For instance, ask, “How can statistical regression be used to predict baseball player performance?” rather than “How is math used in sports?” The second version identifies a model, a process, and a quantifiable result.
If unsure, write down your question and present it to your manager. Their opinions are pretty helpful.
Tips on Researching for a Math Extended Essay
Conducting research for an Extended Essay in Mathematics differs greatly from those of subjects such as English or History. In mathematics, arguments are constructed using logic, formulae, and models rather than quotations or text analysis. According to my observations, this is the point at which students either get really thrilled or begin to feel lost. However, it doesn’t have to be too much to handle.
Research in the context of IB Math entails choosing the appropriate mathematical techniques, reading up on current models or ideas, and solving problems that support your findings. Yes, you will continue to research sources, but the objective is to do math, not only write about it.
Reliable materials beyond your typical school textbook are a good place to start. Personally, I’ve found the following to be helpful:
- You may review important topics using Paul’s Online Math Notes.
- For more in-depth, college-level content, use MIT OpenCourseWare.
- To review ideas or research number theory, use Khan Academy or AoPS.
- offers interactive resources to develop intuition and test concepts.
- IB Math EE case studies are authentic student writings that satisfy IB requirements.
As you read, make thorough notes as well. Instead of copying formulae, note how they may be used in your essay. Note down definitions, theorems, and any little computations or arguments that provide fresh perspectives on your research question. Early on, discuss any questions about the appropriateness of a technique or topic with your supervisor. Additionally, remember that reading lots of sources is not the goal of research for a Math EE.
How to Structure Your Mathematics Extended Essay?
With the question set, it’s time to plan out how the essay will be put together. When you plan well, it pays off here.
You have a chance to make a good first impression during the introduction. It’s not enough to just introduce your topic; you need to make it clear what your essay is supposed to look into. From what I’ve seen, the best openers do four things: they set the scene, they state the research question, they make the scope clear, and they explain why you are writing the paper.
For instance, if you’re writing about how to use differential equations to model the spread of infectious disease, you should talk about how you became interested in the topic and what mathematical lens you’ll use. A good introduction tells the reader what to expect and gets them ready for the math that comes next. And trust me, being clear here can make the rest of the essay better.
Mathematical Development
This is where the real work gets done in your Mathematics Extended Essay. Your job in this part is to build the math that directly supports your research question. That means giving definitions describing theorems, derivations, proofs, graphs, or numbers that are important.
You shouldn’t just gather math facts and put them in your essay. There should be a reason for every piece of math you use. Question yourself: Does this step help my case? Is this math necessary to come to a decision?
Also, pay attention to the order. A rational flow is very important. You should define words before you use them, talk about theorems before you use them, and make sure you understand each step of a deduction. I’ve seen that even advanced math is useless if it’s not taught well.
This is also a good spot to show how well you know how to use writing. Always explain what each variable or sign means, use the right mathematical symbols, and make sure your equations are well-formatted.
Don’t let the stress of the IB curriculum hold you back.
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Analysis and Evaluation
Now is the time to step back and look at how you did the math. Did your model make sense? Were your thoughts correct? Did your equations give you the answers you were hoping for? Could a different approach have worked better?
A good explanation shows that you’re not just doing math for the sake of doing it but also thinking about what it means and how well it works. For instance, if you used a logistic function to measure population growth, you could check how well it works in the real world, taking into account things like unpredictable outside factors, a lack of suitable data, and so on.
Also, think about the problems you faced. Did you reach a dead end with one method before you tried another? That kind of honest thought shows that you are mature and interested.
When students do a careful review, they often get better grades because they show more than just academic skills; they show that they can think critically.
Here is where you answer your research question directly, using what you’ve learned and thought about in the essay. Don’t just list your steps; that’s not what you’re supposed to do. Instead, make it clear what the result of your study was. Did the numbers back up what you thought they would be? Did you get a result you didn’t expect? What do your results mean for the world?
If it makes sense, you could also talk about possible additions or questions that weren’t answered but don’t start a new study. Keep your mind on it. A good ending clarifies that your essay had a goal, went in a reasonable direction, and reached a well-thought-out conclusion.
Remember, is a great place to go if you still can’t figure out how to organize your last section or any other part of your EE. We offer expert help from people who know the IB system inside and out. For example, we can help you plan, write, and finish your Mathematics Extended Essay.