IB Internal Assessment Biology topics that require experiment 🧫

IB Internal Assessment Biology topics that require experiment

Dive into the world of experiments with IB Internal Assessment Biology topics that require an experimental approach. This article provides an insightful list of ten topic suggestions for students exploring significant biological concepts.
These Biology IA topics span diverse areas, including dental health, plant growth, and chemical reactions. Through these IB Internal Assessment Biology topics requiring an experiment, students get a unique opportunity to elevate their data collection, analysis, and scientific writing skills. So embrace the experimental journey with us.

10 Different Bio IA Topic Ideas to choose

Here are ten topic ideas for an IB Biology Internal Assessment that require an experiment, along with a brief explanation of what an IB student could do to work on these topics:

  • The effect of volume and pH of carbonated drinks on the dental erosion or decay of teeth: 

This topic involves the study of the effects of different volumes and pH levels of carbonated drinks on the erosion or decay of teeth. An IB student could conduct an experiment to test the effects of different volumes and pH levels of carbonated drinks on teeth and analyze the results to determine the impact on dental health.

  • The effect of different types of light on the growth of plants: 

This topic involves the study of the effects of different types of light on the growth of plants, including the intensity and wavelength of the light. An IB student could conduct an experiment to test the effects of different types of light on the growth of plants and analyze the results to determine the optimal conditions for plant growth.

  • The effect of different temperatures on the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions: 

This topic involves the study of the effects of temperature on the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions, which are essential for many biological processes. For example, an IB student could conduct an experiment to test the effect of different temperatures on the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction and analyze the results to determine the optimal temperature for the reaction.

  • The effect of different concentrations of a chemical on the rate of a chemical reaction: 

This topic involves the study of the effects of different concentrations of a chemical on the rate of a chemical reaction, which can be influenced by the availability of reactants. For example, an IB student could conduct an experiment to test the effect of different concentrations of a chemical on the rate of a chemical reaction and analyze the results to determine the optimal concentration for the reaction.

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Diving Deep into the Internal Assessment: A Look at Biology Experimentation Topics🧪

  • The effect of different pH levels on the growth of bacteria: 

This topic involves the study of the effects of different pH levels on the growth of bacteria, which can be influenced by the acidity or basicity of their environment. For example, an IB student could conduct an experiment to test the effect of different pH levels on the growth of bacteria and analyze the results to determine the optimal pH for bacterial growth.

  • The effect of different concentrations of oxygen on the respiration rate of yeast: 

This topic involves the study of the effects of different concentrations of oxygen on the respiration rate of yeast, which is an important process for the production of energy in cells. An IB student could conduct an experiment to test the effect of different concentrations of oxygen on the respiration rate of yeast and analyze the results to determine the optimal oxygen concentration for respiration.

  • The effect of different types of fertilizers on the growth of plants: 

This topic involves the study of the effects of different types of fertilizers on the growth of plants, including the nutrient content and pH of the fertilizers. An IB student could conduct an experiment to test the effect of different types of fertilizers on the growth of plants and analyze the results to determine the optimal fertilizers for plant growth.

  • The effect of different levels of salt on the germination of seeds: 

This topic involves the study of the effects of different levels of salt on the germination of seeds, which is the process by which a plant sprouts from a seed. An IB student could experiment to test the effect of different levels of salt on the germination of seeds and analyze the results to determine the optimal conditions for seed germination.


These ten IB IA Biology topic ideas provide various options for an IB Biology IA that involves an experiment. By selecting one of IB Internal Assessment Biology topics that require experiment, IB students can perform their research and improve their data collection, analysis, and scientific writing skills. 

You can also check some other article from IBWritingService.com:

In addition, these topics (you can aslo find topics for Math IA and good History IA ideas, as well offer students.

The chance to examine significant biological concepts and enhance their understanding of the scientific method, whether they are examining the impact of carbonated drinks on dental health or the best conditions for plant growth.