Is It Legit to Buy Extended Essay Online?

is it legit to buy ee

When you’re fully immersed in the IB program, tackling the Extended Essay (EE) can seem like a daunting challenge. I’ve experienced it firsthand and understand how intense the pressure can be. Many students often ponder, “Is it possible to hire someone to write my Extended Essay?” or “Is it acceptable to buy an EE online?” Having a lot of experience in IB and having helped many students deal with it, I would like to offer my insights on this subject.

Why Do Students Consider Buying Extended Essays?

It’s interesting to note why many students opt to purchase essays. In my experience, there are various reasons for this, and while they may be understandable, they may not always be the best choice. Choosing to purchase an Extended Essay is often influenced by factors that can significantly impact IB students.

Many students seek external assistance due to the everyday challenges of stress, time management, and the desire to excel. The IB program is known for its high difficulty level, and it’s expected to feel overwhelmed. In my perspective, these factors combine to create a situation where purchasing an Extended Essay seems necessary.

Allow me to explain some of the main factors that may lead students to consider this option:

  • Juggling various subjects, projects, and extracurricular activities makes finding enough time for the Extended Essay challenging.
  • The Extended Essay is critical in the IB diploma, and numerous students experience intense pressure to excel.
  • Some students may question their research, writing abilities, or even their grasp of the subject matter, prompting them to contemplate buying an EE.
  • Given the numerous deadlines and commitments, many students struggle to allocate sufficient time to write an exceptional-quality paper.

In my experience, these reasons are legitimate concerns for numerous students. Remember that the IB program is more than just a test of what you know. It’s meant to help you build essential skills for your future academic and professional life.

What Is the Dilemma of Buying Extended Essays Online?

Buying academic work can be tempting, especially when you have a lot on your plate with multiple assignments, extracurricular activities, and maybe even a part-time job. The intense drive to excel and the anxiety of not meeting the IB EE rubric can make purchasing an essay appear as a convenient solution.

Nevertheless, you must acknowledge the ethical and academic obstacles that every IB student must carefully contemplate. You are not simply acquiring a paper when you purchase an Extended Essay online.

Furthermore, there is a notable ethical dilemma present in this situation. The Extended Essay showcases your skills and capabilities. In my experience, the achievement that comes from finishing your EE by yourself, no matter how challenging, is much more satisfying than any momentary relief you might get from purchasing one.

It’s crucial to think about the potential consequences in the future. The skills you acquire while working on your EE — time management, research, writing, and critical thinking — will prove invaluable after completing the IB program. These skills are highly sought after by universities and employers.

I think it’s essential to consider the immediate relief of outsourcing. Indeed, the IB program can be demanding, and the Extended Essay presents a formidable obstacle. However, it is a valuable chance to expand your horizons, acquire knowledge, and accomplish something significant.

Stay informed with the latest Extended Essay requirements updates for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Legally, buying an EE online does not usually break any laws.

What Does “Buying an Extended Essay Online” Mean?

If you’re considering getting an Extended Essay online, you might be weighing your options between buying a pre-written paper or getting a custom-written one. In my opinion, custom-written works are the superior choice. From personal experience, they are the way to go if you have to decide.

What Are Pre-Written Essays?

Pre-written essays are papers that have already been written and are ready to be bought by anyone. At first glance, this is a straightforward way to get things done, especially if you’re short on time. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to grasp the considerable risks, especially with complex EE subjects. From my perspective, these Extended Essays are frequently:

  • Standard – they are not tailored to your specific topic or research question.
  • High risk of plagiarism – this problem is significantly likely because these papers are sold to multiple students.
  • Not up to date – such works might not align with current research or the latest IB guidelines.

These downsides can have serious repercussions, like getting caught for plagiarism, which may compromise your entire IB Diploma. In my experience, using a pre-written option is a risky move that usually doesn’t work out. While it may seem convenient at first, it can lead to numerous issues down the line.

Custom-Written Essays: How Does It Work?

However, when it comes to custom-written papers, you have the option of enlisting the help of a skilled writer who will create an Extended Essay tailored to your specific needs. Although there may be differing opinions, this is undoubtedly the preferable choice if you are considering buying an EE.

From my perspective, custom-written papers provide some notable benefits:

  • The paper is customized for you – an Extended Essay tailored to your needs and addresses your chosen topic, research question, and any specific instructions you provide.
  • Authenticity and excellence – since the work is written from scratch, the chances of plagiarism are significantly minimized. You can usually count on better quality as well.
  • Specialization in the subject – custom-writing services hire writers with expertise in specific academic fields. Your paper will be written by someone who knows their stuff.

Sure, even with custom-written EEs, there are certain risks to remember. For example, there’s always a chance of some communication hiccups along the way. Based on my experience, I’ve found that opting for this choice increases the chances of getting a well-crafted and pertinent Extended Essay compared to pre-written ones.

If you ever need to buy an EE, opting for a custom-written one is more secure and dependable.

Legal Considerations of Buying an Extended Essay Online

Many people often inquire about the legality of purchasing an Extended Essay online, especially those familiar with the IB program. The answer is pretty simple. In most places, buying academic material, such as an EE, is generally legal. It all comes down to your approach to the process.

What Are Legal Factors to Consider?

From a legal standpoint, purchasing an Extended Essay online typically does not violate any laws. Handle this choice with responsibility and ethics in mind if you don’t want to fail your work. In my view, the essential factor when buying an EE is selecting a trustworthy service. Choosing a reputable service can make a difference, as not all services are identical.

Collaborating with a seasoned writer who understands the IB program’s requirements is crucial. Make sure to order your EE and provide detailed instructions, so it is written entirely from scratch to meet your requirements. 

Also, I suggest requesting a plagiarism checker report when you get your EE or a regular essay. This additional measure ensures that the work is authentic and meets academic standards, reassuring you.

How to Maintain Academic Integrity?

Although buying a paper is not against the law, remember the significance of maintaining academic integrity. You must request a custom work that aligns with your instructions and thoroughly review it before submitting it. This approach ensures that you do not violate any principles by turning in work that is not your own.

In my experience, if you stick to these guidelines — picking a trustworthy service, collaborating with a well-informed writer, and ensuring the content is original — you can go through this process more confidently. It’s important to remember that purchased content should be used as a helpful guide or resource rather than submitting it directly. This way, you can uphold your academic integrity while receiving support.

Don’t let the stress of the IB curriculum hold you back.

Are you struggling to come up with topic suggestions for your IB Extended Essay? Or do you need help with Internal Assessment?

Our experienced writers can help you choose the perfect topic and assist you with any assignment.

You can order an Extended Essay tailored to your specific subject and requirements.

Our experienced IB writers are always ready to help.

Simply click:

A female student standing still and smiling while holding a pen and a notebook, presumably contemplating IB IA topic suggestions.

How to Buy Extended Essay Online Legally?

If you’ve chosen to buy an Extended Essay online, adhere to some legal guidelines and uphold your academic integrity. First, find a reliable service and ensure every order detail is clear and tailored to your requirements.

I highly recommend as the most dependable service. We provide a no-nonsense and polished process, enabling you to purchase custom work that meets your needs. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • First, choose a deadline that works for you. Whether you need your paper quickly or have a more relaxed deadline, offers flexible options to fit your schedule.
  • Now, it’s time to give some juicy details about your topic. It’s super important to be specific so that the final product is what you want. Feel free to provide your research question, any particular sources you’d like us to use, and the preferred structure.
  • If you have specific requirements, consider including additional services like a plagiarism report or an EE outline. These services can reassure you by ensuring the content is authentic and well-structured.

Once you’ve placed your order, a skilled writer well-versed in IB standards will start creating your EE from scratch. You can directly communicate with the author to ensure the Extended Essay meets your expectations during the process. So, an option such as IB Writing Service can be legitimate and convenient in a problematic situation.