What Is EE RPPF and How to Write It?

writing EE RPPF

Hey there, fellow IB students! As someone who has written many IB essays and gained valuable experience, I’m thrilled to offer some tips for mastering the Extended Essay Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (EE RPPF). From my perspective, grasping the EE RPPF involves capturing the true essence of your research.

What Exactly Is the EE RPPF?

It’s a document that carefully keeps track of your ideas, plans, and research progress as you work on your Extended Essay. This form is not just some tedious administrative task. It plays a super important role in the IB evaluation process. Based on the general IB criteria, it’s all about showing off how engaged and reflective you are during the research process in one of the six EE groups.

The EE RPPF, or the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form, is a crucial part of your essay. It gives valuable insights to your examiners about your growth as a thinker and researcher throughout the writing process. Now’s your chance to share the story of your research — the obstacles you faced, the adjustments you made, and the valuable lessons you gained.

Based on my extensive experience guiding IB students, I can confidently say that a thorough and well-documented RPPF may have a considerable impact on the final assessment of your Extended Essay. It enables examiners to gain insight in addition to the written essay and grasp the extent of your involvement with your topic. The form asks you to think about three important parts of your essay process: the beginning when you plan, the middle when you do research, and the end when you reflect on what you’ve done.

Throughout these stages, you must offer well-considered perspectives that showcase your individual progress and academic maturation. It’s about your actions, approach to the task, ability to handle unexpected obstacles, and development as a critical thinker. By effectively expressing these ideas, you improve your RPPF and gain a deeper understanding of the research process.

Is the Extended Essay RPPF Graded?

Yes, the RPPF is actually quite important in determining your final grade for the Extended Essay. It accounts for 19% of your overall EE score. This significant percentage demonstrates that it is crucial to consider and evaluate your research process carefully. These are the main areas in the RPPF that affect your grade:

  • Insight into Challenges. Your ability to effectively communicate the obstacles encountered during your research.
  • Analytical Reflection. Your capacity to carefully examine and contemplate your learning and decision-making processes.
  • Development and Growth. Showing how you’ve evolved personally and intellectually during your research.

These elements give the examiners a glimpse into your investigation, showing off your critical thinking and reflection skills, especially in hard EE subjects. Completing the RPPF is crucial for improving the narrative of your Extended Essay and boosting your final grade. It demonstrates the depth of your research and analytical skills.

What is EE RPPF and how to write it?

What Are the Main elements of EE RPPF?

Let’s discuss the critical elements of this process — planning, progress documentation, and reflection insights. With my wealth of experience, I will guide you through each step to help you confront them effectively.

Planning Your EE

When you’re starting to plan your Extended Essay, having a clear understanding is crucial. Clearly define your research question and outline your approach to establish a strong foundation for your project. Establishing clear expectations helps you stay focused on your research and prevents potential obstacles.

Furthermore, you must specify the resources you plan on using, including primary sources, databases, and texts. This step is super important because it helps you prepare to gather and analyze data in a structured way. It ensures that your resources match your research goals and you do not fail your Extended Essay.

Progress Documentation

As you continue your research, document each step of your progress thoroughly. This aspect of the RPPF is more than just listing the activities you did. On the contrary, it demands a more thorough involvement in your process, where you articulate the reasons behind specific changes and the lessons you gained from each stage.

In my opinion, successful progress documentation requires a thoughtful approach to evaluating the results of your actions and how they have influenced your research. It’s all about making connections between your theoretical framework, methodological changes, and the new insights that come from these adjustments.

Reflection Insights

In my opinion, the reflection section of the RPPF is where you showcase your intellectual and personal growth. Here, you can reflect on the obstacles you faced and the insights you gained during writing and research. Thinking about your choices and how they affect things shows you’re good at thinking critically and can handle different situations.

This section should capture your experience, giving you a glimpse into how your understanding of the topic grew and how you overcame the challenges of the research process. By immersing yourself in this section of the RPPF, you can elevate it from a mundane procedural document to a captivating story that showcases your growth as a student and a critical thinker.

What Is the Word Count for Extended Essay RPPF?

As per the official guidelines of the International Baccalaureate (IB), the RPPF must not exceed 500 words. The purpose of this concise limit is to encourage you to reflect briefly and thoughtfully on important moments in your research.

When tackling the RPPF, make the most of these 500 words. Remember the critical reflections showcasing your intellectual and personal development during the Extended Essay process. Think of this form as a chance to express the ups and downs of your research, the adjustments you made to your original plan, and, most importantly, the milestones you achieved as a student and researcher.

I also recommend you read your article about Extended Essay word count.

From what I’ve seen, the most effective RPPFs are straightforward, thoughtful, and directly connected to specific moments in the research process. They summarize the project and provide insights into how the students made decisions, encountered obstacles, and used strategies to overcome them.

How to Write Extended Essay RPPF?

As someone well-versed in the IB program, I’m here to help you get around the process of completing your Extended Essay RPPF. This form is super important in showing your writing process and is a massive part of your EE assessment. Now, let’s break down each step so you can express your thoughts and experiences.

First Formal Reflection Session (170 words)

In the beginning, clearly define your research question and decide on your research strategy. This reflection should capture your initial excitement and any doubts you may have about the direction of your research. It’s important to discuss your methodology and the resources you plan to use.

I think the most effective way to handle this situation is to be straightforward and provide all the necessary information. Tell me about what you’re hoping to achieve with your research and if there’s anything you’re worried about regarding finding the right resources or narrowing down your topic. This reflection establishes the vibe for your study and gives a starting point for later reflections.

Document Your Interim Reflection (150 words)

Now that you’ve reached a critical point in your research, it’s time to take a moment to reflect on your progress so far. Here is where you can think about how your research question has changed over time and any tweaks you’ve made to your approach when writing your Extended Essay.

In this part, write about any specific challenges you faced and how you overcame them. Did you come across any surprising findings? How did your approach change? This part is also fantastic for contemplating your personal and intellectual development.

Complete Final Reflection – Viva Voce (150 words)

The final reflection, usually done as a viva voce after finishing your EE, is your chance to discuss the culmination of your research efforts. This reflection should bring together your EE writing and showcase important insights and learnings.

Talk about the results of your research concerning what you initially anticipated. What did you pick up? What impact did the research process have on your perspectives? Now is the time for you to reflect on how much you’ve grown as a researcher and a thinker, giving a complete summary of your path.

Supervisor’s Role and Your Reflections

During these sessions, your supervisor will offer guidance and feedback. It’s crucial to include their perspectives in your reflections to show how their guidance influenced your research approach and intellectual growth.

Jot down your thoughts right after each session while everything is still fresh in your mind. Make sure your comments are short, thoughtful, and in line with the RPPF criteria.

A friendly reminder: ensure your reflections don’t exceed 500 words. Keep it clear and concise!

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Wrapping Up Your EE RPPF

By now, you should better grasp the extended essay RPPF and how to write it effectively. With these tips and strategies, you can create a reflective RPPF that meets the IB criteria and strengthens your overall research experience. So go ahead and give it a shot! Best of luck, and enjoy your research!

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