How to Write a Global Politics Extended Essay?

Global Politics Extended Essay

If you’re an IB student, you might be thinking about how to write a Global Politics Extended Essay. You’re in the right place if so! From my years of experience as an IB writer, I know that writing a good Global Politics EE is very hard. You must examine important political problems, requiring critical thinking, thorough study, and an organized presentation.

Here, I’ll show you how to write a Global Politics Extended Essay from start to finish. I’ll give you useful advice, common mistakes you should avoid, and good ways to get good grades.

What Is a Global Politics Extended Essay?

A Global Politics Extended Essay is a research paper that enables students to examine a global political issue. You need to have a clear research question, do a deep investigation, and write up to 4,000 words.

The primary goal of a Global Politics EE is to investigate complicated political problems using critical thinking and thorough study. It asks students to consider political events, systems, or ideas from different perspectives, compare and contrast various points of view, and make strong cases. This essay is about putting together facts, figuring out what the evidence means, and creating a strong story around your research question.

One of the best things about the Global Politics Extended Essay is that you can choose any topic you want. You can look into everything from human rights and environmental politics to foreign relations and political theory. Because of this, you can make your study fit your hobbies and career goals. But you need to keep a global view because the IB examiners like when students look at political problems beyond the borders of their own country.

From my point of view, the best Extended Essays in Global Politics are clear, critical, and backed up by reliable sources. Students who do well on this assignment usually show that they know much about the political problem they are writing about, make fair points, and back up their claims with carefully studied proof. To do this, you need to pick the right topic and come up with a perfect research question.

How to Choose a Topic for Your Global Politics EE?

I’ve seen students have trouble because they chose a topic that was too broad or lacked reliable sources. To avoid this, focus on a current political problem that interests you. The problem might relate to politics, human rights, or foreign relations.

The best topics allow for in-depth study but are broad enough to find enough research materials. This is especially relevant for Global Politics EEs, where background and different points of view are very important. Think about questions like these when choosing a topic:

  • What does the topic mean politically on a global level?
  • Does it allow you to look at it critically from different points of view?
  • Do you have enough reliable sources to back up your claim?

Start by coming up with broad ideas, like environmental politics, global government, international security, or political economy. You should then narrow these down to more specific problems. Instead of writing about “Climate Change Policies,” for instance, you might want to write about “The Impact of Climate Change Policies on Small Island Developing States.” This way will help you answer your research question and strengthen your case.

How to Write a Global Politics Extended Essay

Also, to get the best grade for your IB Law Extended Essay, check out the most important steps in the writing process.

From what I’ve seen, students often make the same mistakes when picking a topic, which causes problems later on. Don’t fall into these traps:

  1. It can be challenging to stay focused when arguing about broad political issues like “Globalization” or “Democracy.”
  2. Stay away from topics that are too new or too controversial if they don’t have enough research pieces or reliable data.
  3. Keep a neutral tone when discussing emotional or biased topics. Avoid topics that could lead to too emotional or biased arguments.

Also, rather than focusing solely on one country’s politics, ensure your topic has global significance.

How to Formulate a Research Question for Global Politics EE?

The next step is to write a clear research question after you’ve chosen a topic. A straightforward question gives your essay meaning and helps you stay on track with your research. The best research questions are clear, debatable, and related to Global Politics. They should make room for study, fair reasoning, and critical analysis.

Your essay is built around the research question. You should use it to guide your research and writing and keep you on track. So, a good research question is:

  1. Certain. It focuses on a single problem or case study and doesn’t ask many general or unclear questions.
  2. Feasible. It starts a conversation and asks you to state your opinion backed up by proof clearly.
  3. Researchable. There are enough reliable sources and data to allow for a complete study.

One example of a more specific question would be, “How has immigration policy in the European Union affected political polarization?” instead of “What are the effects of immigration?” The first question is more detailed, which lets you make a more fair case.

An easy way to ensure your question is good is to ask yourself, “Can I answer this with research and analysis?” You’re on the right track if you said yes. You should also talk to your teacher about your research question to get feedback and ensure it meets IB standards.

From what I’ve seen, students who spend enough time working on their research questions write more focused essays. Before you start researching, make sure you have time to develop ideas, rewrite, and improve your questions.

How to Structure Your Global Politics Extended Essay?

An organized Global Politics Extended Essay helps you keep your ideas in order and makes it easier for the reader to follow your case. The introduction, main body, and conclusion are the three main parts of a Global Politics EE.


The beginning of your essay sets the scene for the whole thing. It needs to get the reader’s attention, explain the topic, and clarify your research question. This way, your reader can understand what to anticipate clearly and the reasons behind why your topic is important to investigate.

A good introduction should do the following:

  1. Attach the reader. Start with a fascinating fact, a provocative question, or a pertinent quotation emphasizing the significance of your topic.
  2. Set the topic in context. Provide the reader with prior knowledge to help her grasp the political setting. Historical occurrences, pertinent political ideas, or ongoing discussions on your topic may all be included.
  3. State the research question here. Explain how your research question relates to Global Politics clearly and concisely.
  4. Present your thesis. Summarize your central point of view or argument. It will help the reader go through the aim and direction of your essay.
  5. Describe the organization’s framework. Describe in brief the structure of your essay and stress the main ideas you will be addressing.

Additionally, a good idea is to discuss the political background and terminology you will employ throughout the essay. This approach clarifies your viewpoint for the reader from the beginning.

Don’t let the stress of the IB curriculum hold you back.

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Main Body

You build your case in the main body of your Global Politics EE. Each paragraph should be about a different point that backs up your theory. Begin with a topic sentence, then give proof, think about what it means, and connect it to your research question. This logical flow helps you stay on track with your case and make it stronger.

From what I’ve seen, one good approach is to look at things from different points of view. The complexity of global politics necessitates critical thinking, which improves your case and shows it. When talking about international trade policies, for instance, you should look at things from the points of view of both rich and developing countries. It gives your research more depth and shows that you can look at political problems from different points of view.

To make sure your case is clear and makes sense, organize the main body like this:

  1. Background and setting. Give historical or political background that is related to your research question.
  2. Building an argument. Put your main points in a way that makes sense. Each paragraph should be about a single idea backed up by solid proof.
  3. Arguments against and responses to them. Talk about different points of view to show that your research is fair. Giving counterarguments makes your theory stronger.
  4. Critical analysis. Examine the data given critically and discuss your results in a Global Politics context.

Academic papers, government studies, and the views of experts are all good tools to use. Stay away from sources that are skewed or can’t be trusted; they will weaken your case. 


Reiterate the importance of your results in your conclusion and summarize your main points. In my view, the finest conclusions explicitly address the research question while considering the broader consequences of the project. A good conclusion should:

  1. Restate the research question and thesis. Restate your research question and your main points, then summarize them.
  2. Put together the main findings. Bring together the main ideas that were talked about in the essay. Instead of just repeating facts, show how the evidence supports your theory.
  3. Think about broader effects. We should talk about what your results mean for global politics. This shows both in-depth study and critical thinking.
  4. Give one last thought. At the end, leave a statement or question that makes you think and want to think more about the topic.
  5. Don’t add any new points or proof, though. Put all the information you’ve given together and stress how important your analysis is in Global Politics.

Don’t worry if you feel swamped or confused about how to write a perfect conclusion. Help is available. Our IB Writing Service promises that all our essays are 100% original. You can order papers written from scratch by professionals who know how to write Global Politics Extended Essays.